Information and products on Natural Alternatives to Pain management, Medication and Surgery
  Clear Lungs information and purchase
Clear Lungs:

Clear Lungs provides temporary relief of shortness of breath, tightness of chest and wheezing due to bronchial congestion. Works as quickly and effectively as drugs, but without the side effects. All ingredients are 100% natural. This formula does not contain ephedra. ClearLungs is an all natural Chinese herbal remedy that really works. It is a perfectly balanced formula containing a rich array of herbal ingredients including Chinese herbal extracts that provide temporary relief of bronchial congestion, and are highly effective for any kind of breathing problem.

ALTERNATIVE TO: Bronkaid and all lung congestion prescription drugs.

BENEFITS:  Provides temporary relief of shortness of breath, tightness of chest and wheezing due to bronchial congestion.

EFFECTIVENESS:  Works as quickly and effectively as the above mentioned drugs without side effects. All ingredients are 100% natural.

Hoelen- Balances tissue fluids. Strengthens respiratory membranes.
Pong Quai- Acts as a tonic and blood building agent.
Ophiopogon- Balances tissue fluids. Strengthens respiratory membranes.
Scute- Headache pain relief.
Platycodon- Strengthens the immune system. Removes mucus accumulations.
Citrus- Cleanses the lungs and circulatory system.
Moms Root- Enhances tissue repair.
Fritillary- Enhances tissue repair.
Asparagus- Helps control tissue inflammation.
Gardenia- Relieves congestion. Enhances liver function.
Shizandra- Normalizes mucus secreting cells.
Licorice- Supports the adrenal glands.

SUMMARY: Drugs work only on symptoms and do nothing to restore the body to its normal healthy state. As you can see from the description of the ingredients in Clear
Lungs, they work on the cause of lung congestion by restoring normal metabolic activity, reducing fluids, repairing tissue and controlling inflammation, etc.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

Disclaimer concerning the product listed above.   
   M.A.M.M. TM  does not claim responsibility for any damage that may occur from the improper handling or misuse of any of the products listed, Nor do we claim any healing or curing properties for these or any other products listed hereafter. This web site is intended to inform and educate on natural forms of healthcare, not to prescribe for or diagnose any disease or illness.  If you have any concerns about the usage of these products, please contact your healthcare representative to find out which product is right for your specific symptom or ailment.

Dr. Lisbeth Baird D.C. , FIACA

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