Information and products on Natural Alternatives to Pain management, Medication and Surgery
Homeopathy information & products
The Natural Way

       Homeopathic remedies have a long history of use in supporting mental, physical and emotional health, preferring a holistic approach to the suppression of symptoms. Homeopathy operates on the principle of ‘like treats like’, using minute amounts of proven, homeopathically prepared ingredients to support the body to heal itself.
      Due to the unique homeopathic manufacturing methods, homeopathic remedies are very safe and do not interact negatively with prescription or other OTC medicines. As a result, homeopathic remedies can make all the difference without compromising health.
What is Homeopathy?
 Homeopathy is a scientific system of health care which activates the body's own healing processes in order to cure disease naturally, gently and promptly. Homeopathy is a natural pharmaceutical science that uses very small or infinitesimal doses of substances from all three realms of nature—plant, mineral and animal, to activate the body's nervous system to initiate the healing response. The word homeopathy is derived from the Greek "homoios" meaning similar and "pathos" meaning suffering.

The science of Homeopathy was founded in the early 1800's by a German physician and chemist. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, while doing research into the toxicological
effects of the medicines of his time. Dr. Hahnemann discovered that a specific dilution of a substance would remove the symptoms that substance was capable of evok-
ing. Through numerous experiments, he advanced the theory that "likes are cured by likes" and today it is a verified law of pharmacology: "The Law of Similars."

For example, if one drinks too much coffee, the mind races and prevents sleep; the nervous system gets on edge and trembling may even result. A specifically prepared
dilution of coffee will gently and promptly reverse these types of symptoms.

Ipecac in a large dose causes nausea and vomiting. An ill person suffering from the same or similar symptoms improves after taking a specifically prepared homeopathic
dose of Ipecac.

Another example would be cooks slicing onions. The eyes will burn and water profusely and the nose, too, may water and sneezing may occur. However, if they had not
been handling onions, they would probably be thought to be suffering with these symptoms from hay fever. As you might expect, one remedy for this condition is the onion, specifically diluted by exact homeopathic instructions.

What type of disease can homeopathy treat?

Homeopathy does not treat diseases per se. Homeopathy activates the body's own healing processes in both the physical and mental/emotional levels. The range
of problems in which homeopathy can be effectively utilized is extensive and includes first aid, acute illnesses, and all manner of chronic conditions.

Dr. Lisbeth Baird D.C. , FIACA

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