Information and products on Natural Alternatives to Pain management, Medication and Surgery
Oscillococcinum information and purchase
As soon as you start feeling run-down or have other flu-like symptoms, take Oscillococcinum. Oscillo® is regulated as a drug by the FDA and is supported by published clinical studies as well as more than 65 years of use throughout the world.
Clinical studies show that Oscillo reduces the severity and duration of flu symptoms. Great taste and convenient to take, No side effects or interactions with other medications, Good for everyone 2 years of age and older.
Disclaimer concerning the product listed above.
M.A.M.M. TM does not claim responsibility for any damage that may occur from the improper handling or misuse of any of the products listed, Nor do we claim any healing or curing properties for these or any other products listed hereafter. This web site is intended to inform and educate on natural forms of healthcare, not to prescribe for or diagnose any disease or illness. If you have any concerns about the usage of these products, please contact your healthcare representative to find out which product is right for your specific symptom or ailment.
Dr. Lisbeth Baird D.C. , FIACA
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