Chestal temporarily relieves cough due to minor throat or bronchial irritation as may occur with a cold. Helps loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchial secretions to make coughs more productive. Chestal Cough Syrup combines homeopathic medicines traditionally used to treat different types of coughs with the natural goodness of honey to soothe the throat.
Clear Lungs:
Clear Lungs provides temporary relief of shortness of breath, tightness of chest and wheezing due to bronchial congestion. Works as quickly and effectively as drugs, but without the side effects. All ingredients are 100% natural. This formula does not contain ephedra. ClearLungs is an all natural Chinese herbal remedy that really works.
Geneflora is a unique probiotic formula that contains the beneficial bacteria, Bacillus coagulans (Lactobacillus sporogenes).
Unlike L. acidophilus, these viable, hardy, heat resistant bacteria are naturally microencapsulated and able to easily survive stomach acid and reach the intestines where they can thrive and help correct digestive imbalances.
KiddiFlora has all the benefits of Geneflora and comes in a delicious tasting, raspberry-flavored chewable tablet or “chewblet” that kids and adults love.
Chewable Probiotic Can Be Taken Anywhere - Anytime
EZ Flex:
Nutritional Support for Healthy Tendon, Nerve, and Muscle Function.
EZ Flex features niacinamide with B vitamins, magnesium, and turmeric concentrate and is designed to support soft tissue
Essential Oil Formula:
Essential Oil Formula is an important part of the Internal Cleansing Platform and has a very beneficial lubricating effect on the entire digestive system. For soft, healthy-looking skin and hair, it's essential to consume enough fatty acids. If you're not getting these in your diet (and many of us don't), top up with Harmony Formula's Essential Oil Formula.
Formula 303:
Formula 303 Maximum Strength Natural muscle relaxant for relief from muscular spasms and tension anxiety. You have found help for your painful muscle spasms, the natural muscle relaxant way. Formula 303 is completely safe as a tension reliever and muscle relaxant. Men and women can both benefit from Formula 303 Natural Relaxant - Maximum Strength.
That Stuff:
This deep penetrating sports massage lotion combines Aloe Vera with rich emollients and herbs to help soothe overworked and tired muscles. Fragrance free.
Thyroid Health, Skin Health, Metabolism, Cardiovascular health & Energy.
Essential trace minerals such as iodine use to have a natural ecosystem supply route to replenish soils of the earth. Iodine came from the ocean. The wind carried iodine over the earth.
Best choice if you want hormonal balance. Kevala’s PhytoGest Premium Natural Progesterone Cream is specifically designed for symptoms related to:
Menopause, Menstrual Complaints, Unbalanced hormones
Phytogest also contains natural plant compounds from Black Cohosh, Chasteberry and Primrose oil.
PAV ointment:
PAV® Skin care ointment is known for its ability to heal a variety of skin conditions. Works on burns, acne, warts, skin tags, infections, athlete's foot, nail fungus, insect bites, stings, cuts, and rashes to name a few. PAV® is made only from the purest ingredients…pure natural Tree Resin, Olive Oil, and Petrolatum. (Petrolatum is a FOOD GRADE thickening agent.)
As soon as you start feeling run-down or have other flu-like symptoms, take Oscillococcinum. Oscillo® is regulated as a drug by the FDA and is supported by published clinical studies as well as more than 65 years of use throughout the world.
Olive Leaf Extract:
d-Lenolate supplies particular daily needs to promote and maintain a healthy immune system.
Strengthen Your Immune System — Restore Vitality and Health*
The power of the Olive tree has been documented for centuries.
Safe, Natural Nasal Cleanser and Moisturizer
Uses: Helps cleanse sinus and nasal passages and wash away potentially harmful bacteria, pollutants, allergy-causing pollens, and other irritants. Soothes and moisturizes dry, irritated nasal passages due to colds, allergies, low humidity, overuse of nasal decongestants, and other nasal irritations.
Sambucol is the original, pleasant tasting black elderberry extract developed by world renowned virologist, Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu. Sambucol is the world's best selling and most extensively researched black elderberry extract and is produced through a patented process which uniquely isolates the key active constituent of elderberries.
NET Homeopathic Remedies:
In developing the Neuro Emotional Technique® (NET), Dr. Scott Walker found that sometimes the body was too toxic to deal with the physiological release of poisons as it healed. It was almost as if the natural flow of life energy somehow got "clogged" or that the body had "forgotten" to get on with the healing process.
Disclaimer concerning the products listed above.
M.A.M.M. TM does not claim responsibility for any damage that may occur from the improper handling or misuse of any of the products listed, Nor do we claim any healing or curing properties for these or any other products listed hereafter. This web site is intended to inform and educate on natural forms of healthcare, not to prescribe for or diagnose any disease or illness. If you have any concerns about the usage of these products, please contact your healthcare representative to find out which product is right for your specific symptom or ailment.