Information and products on Diet, Exercise, Chiropractic, Massage, Herbs & Acupuncture
Natural alternatives and therapies to medication, NSAIDS, anti inflammatories,
 pain management, pain killers, prescription analgesics and surgery.
Click Here to visit Native Remedies for Proven, Effective and Safe Natural Remedies

What can you do instead of drugs, to be healthy enough to not need drugs?

DIET- A whole grain , plant based diet is best. 30-70% raw organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains and organic meats. Stay away from dairy products.

EXERCISE- stretching, dancing, walking, Tai Chi, Chi gong, and Yoga.

CHIROPRACTIC- spinal alignment, correcting posture, remove the cause of 80% of disease, pain and malfunction of organs.

MASSAGE-  Healing at your finger tips, stress relief, lymphatic drainage, muscle relaxation, stimulation of circulation, cellular detoxification and stimulation of AMT points.

HERBS- Indian, Ayurvedic, , American and Chinese. Herbs are a gift from God's own pharmacist, Mother Nature. Over many hundreds of years her plants have proven their value. That's why millions of Americans are rediscovering the incredible healing power of herbs in their natural form.

ACUPUNCTURE-, Acupressure & AMT- Acupuncture meridian therapy. Balance Chi, clear blocks, improve vitality, open energy flow.

KINESIOLOGY- Kinesiology is a system of Healthcare which uses muscle-testing to "speak" to the body. In this way a Kinesiologist can assess with precision what type of imbalance is at the root of the problem.

HOMEOPATHY- is a scientific system which activates the body's own healing abilities.

For some, breathing development is of the utmost importance, right now. For others it is an indispensable aid to superior health, peak performance, and life extension.
Virtually every health condition and human activity is improved with Optimal Breathing.
Clinical studies prove that oxygen, wellness, and life-span are totally dependent on proper breathing. Lung volume is a primary marker for how long you will live.

more info on TREVINOL       DMSO        MSM

Dr. Lisbeth Baird D.C. , FIACA

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